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QUESTION U.S. Citizenship And Immigration Services Removes All References To Citizenship

The new mission statement of The USCIS removes all references to "citizenship," including one that called the U.S. a "nation of immigrants." This seems to beg the question, WTF does the agency now consider to be its job? (I'll tell you. Cissna, the new head of the agency, has said the job is serving the American people. RIIIIGHT.)

BookDeath 8 Feb 23

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If you look back in history, you can find millions of immigrants in every country who have long ago acquired citizenship. I join them too, because I found help from Global Citizen and their citizenship investment programs. They turned out to be very useful for me because it is the easiest way to get citizenship in any country, especially the USA.


there job is to apologize and legtimize tiki torch waves nazis.

I think you may be right and this makes me sad...


if you are sad watch this:


I often am accused of paying attention to...oh...I don't know..."laws--n-stuff". Silly habit--apparently. No more "illegal alien", "illegal immigrant". We've even sped past verbiage of "undocumented worker". "Dreamers". Trying not to show sarcasm.


Darn, you beat me on that one. However, I have a different take on this: I have hated the Phrase “We are a nation of immigrants”. It denigrates the indigenous peoples and tends to make the immigration policy only about people instead of a ‘sustainable’ (in the true sense) and reasoned based policy. This issue is extremely divisive and often is only about extremes of a completely closed or open door policy. Both are destructive and, to me immoral. Excessive immigration has and still is causing more countries to turn to the right. It was a big issue behind Brexit and tRump’s election and is pushing many other country's to the right.

This is an extremely complicated and critical issue for many countries. I was there when the wall fell in Germany and saw first hand what the massive influx of immigrants did to Germany. My late partner was from Iran and went through a nightmare time to get her legal papers. She and many others hated to see the mockery of our laws that happened when people came here illegally and got a free pass. I, myself had to get residence papers to stay in Germany and know a little of the struggle that entails. I have Syrian/Turkish friends (I am the godfather to one child) and had to make a difficult decision to sponsor them (there were so many sub-issues we did not sponsor them and their situation actually improved). My own partner was asked by 2 of her brothers, whom she loved dearly, to sponsor them to the US and she said no.(one is now, with his family in Vancouver BC). The externalities on this issue are deep and long and way too many look for easy answers. That ends up hurting everyone citizens and immigrants alike. Immigration (border security) must not be emotion and individual people based but evidence and reason based!


This means Trump's America is changing from open arms to "talk to the hand" in your face straight arm. Sad. Solution is vote Congressional Democrats in office 2018, this November.If you are a voter, know what you should now.


All that Cissna and the entire Trump administration are doing is showing that they are stupidly and unpatriotically proving that they are the worst of ethnocentric bigots. Throw the entire lot of them out on their rears!!


Remember white folk are under attack and fear the loss of their majority standing in America. This current administration is deplorable.

What most people don't know is that under Obama more illegals were deported than under any other president. It is not only the 'white folk' that are impacted but the indigenous, African American and other ethnic groups as well. Yes, I agree the white supremacy thing is long overdue to be tossed in the trash but we can't also "throw out the baby with the bath water". I feel strongly that citizens rights must supersede non-citizen rights. Otherwise we will lose our right and ability to manage our own country. You know how I feel about tRump and his whole gaggle of fools and my feelings in no way support his inane ones. There are other, non-polarized takes on this issue.

One corporation, SEIU, is big on using propaganda to the liberals because they want more cheap and controllable labor. They pay for a lot of rallies and other things to promote 'their' cause.


As some media outlets I listen to, they've started using the sound bite: "Now, the Trump administration wants to remove LEGAL immigration."

EDIT: Well, this is disheartening: "...There are already indications that the new leadership is encouraging applications to be processed more slowly and with more scrutiny. In winding down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, they were more aggressive than Trump’s statements implied. At the same time, there’s been an apparent slowdown in the processing of naturalization applications and of work permits for some categories of immigrants...."

It's just Another one of their sabotages: just let it fail. ( I'm glad I'm not American. 😛 )

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