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A newbie question

How does the friendship system work here

Neenz 7 Feb 3

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Hey Neez,
We are almost the same age.
Follow those you like & you will get notices when they post.
Get points by being active. Level 8 gives you a T shirt & pen.
Interact with posts & comments. Then join some groups of interest.
Most of all you can choose from a wide range of topics. See you there..


I see you've joined a buttload of groups. That's the first step in finding "friends".

This is a "subtraction" site and not an "addition" site.

Instead of adding the friends you want, you subtract (block) anyone you have no desire to interact with ever again. By default, everyone is your "friend" until you decide that they aren't.


As with any relationship.... Trust over time.

Scammer alert!!!!

@lind123 Ok SCAMMER. You've shown your true colors now.

To be clear for future readers....there was a scammer post in this comment thread requesting people send "her" their Skype IDs. The Scammer was identified and removed from the site. Poof. Gone. The people who remain are legit. 😉

@SkotlandSkye I heartily approve this message


I do not understand what a "friendship system" even is.

@maturin1919 Oh. Thanks. I'm so glad we don't have that here.


Will you be my friend? (Btw you look anazing for 99 😉 )

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