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the entire sexist countries leaders are being protested now.



"Pope Francis said sexual abuse of nuns was an ongoing problem ...

In a separate case in India last year, a bishop was arrested over allegations that he raped a nun 13 times between 2014 and 2016."

BBC News

Arrest the lot of them.

it was sex slavery.


Yes this is all over the press, maybe finally this is going to blow open abuse of every kind and bring in international law against this organised crime syndicate that masquerades as a literal "fucking" church



Maybe there was some sex now and then, but I suspect most was lesbian with just some straight sex.

If it was non consensual what is the difference?
Rape is rape.
All the articles make clear it was "sex slavery"


My only surprise is that it took so long to come out.

Good point

That doesn't surprise me at all. Women have always been fearful of disclosing abuses by men. Nuns are no different, probably even more fearful because they would get blamed for the abuse.

"Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out."
BBC News


And what have nuns done under their charge??. If the catholic church was not a religious organization, the FBI would have shut it down years ago.

You are correct


Equally surprising every time.

Just as it will be so surprising when nothing really changes, in the face of this evil.
Just keep on truckin'.


Just glad someone is finally calling them out and holding them accountable.

To be continued I guess

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