7 4

The Story of my life....

Hello Miss. I am 34, single, white, no tats or piercings, short dark hair, blue eyes and skinny. I will say this now....I'm a and a submissive. The women I am drawn to are ones with this look I can't explain but it brings out those feelings in me most women don't. You have that look


Crimson67 8 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Russian guy? I regularly get that kind of mails from Russian women. At least I am supposed to believe that. Before that it came from the Philippines. I always block them, but they keep appearing. I don't mind. If you try to fight them, they double.

Gert Level 7 Feb 24, 2018

The story of MY life

Hello Miss. I am 57, separated, white (well more beige/pink really), one tat and one redundant piercing, very short or no hair which is grey if it grows, bloodshot eyes and I'm really not skinny. I will say this, I'm a place you get water from, not a virgin and I can be submissive it depends what you're after. The women I am drawn to are the ones that are interested, pretty straight forward really, most women aren't though. You busy? 🙂

Not Tim

@Crimson67 My daughter told me today that she'd really like to go to the Paris Olympics in 2024, looks like my coffee with Crimson kitty may get diverted lol


I would submit to you, anything goes! 👮

@Crimson67 I'm SOooo not into submissive women. I have 4 cats and even they not submissive.

@Crimson67 well, I'm not that submissive, I would probably lul you into a false sense of security, and then 🙂


Is he saying you look dom?

In my humble opinion that's exactly what he means, he's after one thing and was putting his toe in the water 🙂

@Crimson67 If you don't mind me asking how did you react to that? Have you had this kind of reaction in the past? I'm curious because I don't see what he sees.

@Crimson67 Do you really mean these are serious offers?

@Crimson67 You get these sort of come-ons fairly frequently huh? Didn't I see once you had/have a military background? Maybe that's what they're picking up on?


Submissive huh. Sharing this publicly may totally wind his watch. And good for him!


"You have that look", Lol...


What might this be?

@Crimson67 Well, you do have that look. 😉

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