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Trump Has Nothing Left to Say

"The only break from this yawning rendition of the Same Old Thing was when Democrats decided to hold a dance party in the middle of the speech.

"When Trump, in the prelude to a short section introducing the “first-ever government-wide initiative focused on economic empowerment for women in developing countries,” mentioned that “we have more women in the workforce than ever before,” Democrats decided to take over the room.

"The 89 House Democratic women, all dressed in white, and their male counterparts started cheering, high-fiving, and in the case of one New Hampshire Rep. Annie Kuster, raising the roof."


LiterateHiker 9 Feb 6

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In reality, Trump's speech was laced with authoritarianism:

  1. I am the savior of the nation.
  2. Do as I say, because we are under attack.
  3. I will protect you from the socialists.
  4. Any threat to me is a threat to our country.


He needs to open a 6th grade history book and learn that the USA does not have a King.


In this ONE instance, he can claim some credit.
If it hadn't been for him, his ineptitude and corruption, his racism and misogyny, and the FACT that he makes women hate his fucking guts, most of those women in attendance wouldn't have run for office. Further, they WON because a whole
lot of other people, who are fed up with him and the republicans, voted.

I personally believe that is true and have felt this way for some time now. It’s obvious that there are many, many more people involved and/or concerned with the political situation in this country because of how terrible this administration really is. Strangely enough, at the same time, it’s a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately it’s more of the latter than the former.


with nothing left to say, he will nonetheless say it. it will come out "bla bla bla."



He never had much to say in the first place.

Is it Dozer approved?
If Dozer doesn't approve, neither do I.


@KKGator I need some reference as to who or what Dozer is.

Trump never misses an opportunity to make a buck. The hats probably cost him $2 and he sells them for $20....I wonder if the hats are made in the USA or some poor country.

@OtherPatrick I am terribly sorry. I confused the pic of your dog with another member's dog, Dozer. My bad.

@nicknotes I don’t think trump has a hat made that says to push him off a cliff (but maybe he should)

@KKGator It’s ok. I don’t think my dog, Tuxedo, would’ve minded being confused for another dog, as long as he was still getting the attention.

@OtherPatrick Please give Tuxedo some bacon and belly rubs for me.
All good puppies deserve bacon and belly rubs.

@KKGator I will try, but that will be a bit difficult, since I only see Tuxedo in pictures and my dreams. He was about 14 when I put him down about 4 years ago. He just couldn’t get around anymore and I wasn’t going to make him suffer with that.

@OtherPatrick I am so sorry. I made a very false assumption, and I'm sorry if I said anything hurtful.

@KKGator You are fine. He was a good dog, you would have liked him, as everyone did.

@OtherPatrick I have no doubt!


Not only do we have more women in the workforce, we have more everybody in the workforce. Because of a bigger population. Which apparently Trump's trying to take credit for too.

Thanks, President Obama! Now that your recovery is over, it's time for the Trump recession....


Trump seemed to want to take credit for the women there. As one comedian said, Trump could claim some responsibility just like polio can claim the creation of a vaccine.

He actually is responsible for most of them being there, if you think about it.


Exactly. Hooray!

@Sticks48 That IS true! LOL And not in the way he would want it to be! haha

@Qualia Exactly

@Sticks48 Responsible, but no credit.

@GuyKeith Sure he gets credit. Responsible is responsible.

@Sticks48 OK, say you get drunk the night before a big exam and fail it. Does the alcohol get credit, or blame/responsibility? I know I'm splitting hairs, but that is what I do.

@GuyKeith No Trump, no drastic increase in the number of women in Congress. If you don't like the word responsible, trade it for catalyst. This is most definitely a response to trump and his policies.

@Sticks48 Responsible is fine. Credit is the word I have issue with. Credit indicates he did something positive.

@GuyKeith Hitler is credited with starting WWII.

@Sticks48 Actually, the Treaty of Versailles is largely responsible for the rise of HItler.

@GuyKeith I'll throw out this - that is only relavent for the European and African fronts. Japan started its invasion of China and Pacific expansion long before those occurred.

@Beowulfsfriend, @GuyKeith I know it was the catalyst, but Hitler did initiate the war. Japan's fear of our cutting off the flow of oil to their country was the catalyst for Japan's decision to go to war. They also thought Germany had their back.

@Sticks48 We had already cut them off in a number of places and threatened their access to Dutch and other European holdings in Asia. They had already started a war and conquest in China, which we did very little about. They attacked us as a preemptive means to prevent our further involvement with their goals. There are theories that the U.S. was squeezing Japan into attack us to give us an excuse for war. We don't know what those in charge really planned back then and most likely never will know. However, our policies were meant to contain an expansionist Japan. Side note: in 40 we could have gone to war with Germany. We stopped them from occupying Greenland and captured some of their troops sent there. We sent them home and the Germans did no more. We then occupied the place and after the war tried to buy it. Imagine a 51st state of Greenland. Texans would have been livid.

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