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LINK Human composting

This bill passed the Washington state Senate. It would be a great alternative to the usual polluting methods. I would do it (or rather have it done).

JackPedigo 9 Feb 7

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This is how I wish to be disposed of when I'm done.


I am hopeful that this will become the new norm.

Now other states need to get on board. Why does it seem the west has t lead the way in compassion issues.


Like a car that has become no longer serviceable, the body is the same. We recycle old worn out cars, well we should in my opinion, but we still have the need forced upon us to 'preserve' dead human bodies.
Why not let them be recycled back into nature asap rather than be filled with embalming chemicals, etc, etc, and then buried in expensive boxes that can take years or even decades to rot away?

Because the "families and so called love ones" want it that way. It is also true that 2/3 of dying people have their lives and suffering prolonged because their loved ones want them around. I made lots of postings about Death with Dignity (which my late partner opted for). Too bad people haven't figured out that when you truly love someone you want what's best for them not oneself.


I'm all for it. Of course my first choice would be as the Zoroastrians do: leave you out for the birds, then grind the bones and put the powder in bread and leave that out for the birds. And bone is good for birds, the often need extra calcium.

@PalacinkyPDX I know. I've arranged for my body to go to science, then burned. I hate the idea of being hermetically sealed, such a waste of resources and space.

@PalacinkyPDX I looked, you are lucky, up in Oregon. Here, burials, except for Jews and Muslims have to be fully encased in concrete boxes to prevent leakage and the only other option is fire cremation. I have told my kids not to claim the body if the medical school for some reason refuses. Then the state will either burn me or out me in a wooden box and stick me on an island in the river near the capital for a potter's field. No concrete. And plain old wood.

Not just the Zoroastrians but the when the Romans crucified people they were left hanging for the animals to get to.

@JackPedigo I would prefer to miss the crucifixion, but once dead, hang me up.

@Beowulfsfriend A lot of native Americans were buried in the sky. Same idea, feed the other species.


We have gone be full circle. This is what used to be called normal burial.

Yes, before it became a big business and we stuffed our bodies with chemicals.

@JackPedigo pauper's burial


I’ve never understood the idea of filling a dead body full of chemicals, stuffing it into a box and putting that what is now crap into the ground. This makes far more sense.


You have? Wow you look well on it! I want to be mushrooms.

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