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LINK Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature' | Environment | The Guardian

and the humans just keep on destroying a a hive of big greedy babies.....

SkotlandSkye 8 Feb 10

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What bothers me is that I know that there is a tipping point and we may have reached it. Wish had they had mentioned as much. But I will be long gone. So good luck world.


A few years ago, there was a good article on a world if weeds, about the loss of great diversity of plants and animals, including insects. The loss of bees is so bad companies are building miniature computerized bee drones to pollinate. And China pays people with pollen and paint brushes to do their fruit.


This is awful.


Nature will be fine. I’m not so sure about humans though.



It's heartbreaking to see how humans continue to harm nature without any regard for the consequences. But sometimes we do have to protect our own houses from some species.


I am glad I never had children, and it was a conscious decision I made, it is not difficult for anyone with foresight to see where this is all headed, and it is not going to end nicely.

THHA Level 7 Feb 10, 2019

I completely agree with you that it's disheartening to see the continued destruction of nature and the impact it has on insect populations. As much as we may dislike pests in our homes, it's important to remember that they play a vital role in our ecosystem. That's why I always try to use environmentally-friendly and humane methods for pest control, and I recently found a company that specializes in eco-friendly pest control solutions. It's reassuring to know that there are options available that can help protect our homes while also being mindful of the impact on the environment. It's up to each of us to do our part in preserving nature, even in the small ways we interact with it in our daily lives.

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