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LINK The contiguous United States just lost its last wild caribou | Science | AAAS

Too many humans.....and we march on....destroying and polluting.....until the Earth is dead....

SkotlandSkye 8 Feb 11

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Sad but true, I heard an apologist saying that over population is not an important issue compared with environmental concerns like. "Plastic and CO2 pollution." Who does he suppose causes plastic and CO2 pollution, if not the excess humans. Could it be the fairies ?


Sad that my grand children won't see many of these beautiful animals any longer. We humans are a pretty fucked up bunch......


I agree.

I would like to see the U.S. eliminate the tax deduction for children. It may make a few people think before having an extra child.

Interesting point of view. Never going to happened but a good discussion.

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