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I can't find any mention of this guy's name (??). But I did read that the El Paso DA has no plans to charge him with anything.


Saw that this morning. This is normal for mobs. People get really worked up and commit all kinds of violence. Of course there have been studies on the 😘"Social psychology does offer relevant explanations for group or mob mentality and violence. When people are part of a group, they often experience deindividuation, or a loss of self-awareness. When people deindividuate, they are less likely to follow normal restraints and inhibitions and more likely to lose their sense of individual identity. Groups can generate a sense of emotional excitement, which can lead to the provocation of behaviors that a person would not typically engage in if alone."*
I remember a court case once where the defendant was ruled not guilty because he, himself was a victim of this problem. That's how people like tRump (and Hitler) rallied their base. Appeal to their baser instincts. Imagine if these people had guns.

I agree, there is a deindividualisation in mobs. Psychologically is described as succumbing to a legitimate (in fact illegitimate) authority. It follows the cult of personality. Every time Trumpty Dumpty makes some inane statement that he'd like to punch someone, that becomes the trigger for some poor fuckwit to do so. All it needs is a little inference. As Robert Carr put it in 2007 when writing about Mein Kampf "Hitler suggests that 'If twelve or fifteen thousand of these Jews who were corrupting the nation had been forced to submit to poison gas … then the millions of sacrifices made at the front would not have been in vain.' In this way Mein Kampf indicated a potential solution to the supposed Jewish Question" It's as easy as that to start trouble if you have some perceived power. Now, I have to read Mein Kampf ready for class, but it feels 'dirty' even though it's for academic reasons.

@Sofabeast The problem I see is that once trouble has started it tends to get out of hand and then how do you end it. The TRumps of the world are too stupid to realize the problems they cause.


I can't help but wonder if he was a paid thug? I wouldn't put it past Trump's caporegimes to insert a few paid thugs at each of his idiot rallies.

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