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Liberated and waiting?

Query for the women that choose to identify as liberated or at least not wishing to follow old fashioned gender roles. Namely, do you ask men out? Or do you wait to be asked out? And why?

Canyonrunner 6 Feb 25

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I have and will do so again..I am human after all and they've all said yes...😀


I can't remember the last time I asked a man out. Hell, it's been years since I've even initiated a conversation within an online dating site. I think the reason is a combination of: 1) shy/introverted, 2) assumption of rejection (immediate or eventual and by either party), 3) general apathy about coupling up, 4) too lazy, and 5) perfectly content to be single right now.

dkp93 Level 8 Feb 25, 2018

I neither ask, nor do I wait to be asked.
As far as I'm concerned, the whole crazy dance is a waste of my time. I have better things to do.


Asking out is one thing but sex is another. In today's climate I feel it is imperative that a woman make her intentions clear. If want to have sex with a guy or vice versa let him know because us guys need that up front nowadays.


I have asked men out. However, similar to most men, I think, I won't do that unless I have some sense they might be interested in me. However, I second what @stupidity mentioned: sometimes there is too much complacency or too little nerve to keep the momentum. For example, I new a certain man had an interest in me because his female friend/ my supervisor indicated so. She was essentially feeling out for him whether I might be interested in going out with him. I told her yes, and waited. After a while, she asked if he had asked me out. I said no. She gave an expression of exasperation, as if she had spent a lot of energy encouraging him to ask. So I decided to take the pressure off and ask him. He accepted, but was very reserved during the date. I decided to let him know at the end I would be interested in seeing him again if he wanted to go out again. But I left it in his hands. I didn't hear back from him a while after that until I was already dating someone else. And again, it was via his friend/my supervisor. Evem though in other regards I thought he was an excellent catch, I still did not want to be the one carrying the deal.

@Akfishlady When the friend called the third time and I was already dating someone else, as I was hanging up I heard her laugh loudly and say "You snooze, you lose!!" So, I think there was some interest, just maybe not enough or not enough nerve.


By nature, I'm pretty laid back. I have a great deal of empathy, usually so I dislike being pushy about myself.

So, yes, I wait, in most situations, I'd rather have another say " hey do you want to hang out?". ..... Later on tho, when I am comfortable, I am more apt to instigate whatever. Perhaps a holdover from my shy childhood.

Also, yes, I consider myself liberated, in that I feel comfortable, doing/acting as I want., as well as insisting that no one is better than I am, merely based on sex. (Or religion, or how wealthy their parents were, lol)


I'm a straight woman and I don't follow all the gender roles, like I didn't give up my goals to be a wife and mother, I decided to be a single mother by choice, I would not be a very good housewife or maid, and believe that people should be paid based on results not on gender or status. I do not ask men out, mostly because I haven't met any men that I want to go out with. I have asked them out in the past and it was fine, we went out. I normally do wait to be asked out, purely for the fact that if someone isn't bold enough to ask me out, then they are not strong enough to be in a relationship with me. I will ask someone out if I want to break the ice, but so far and maybe it has to do with my geography or maybe my level of attractiveness but most men prefer to do the asking. In my experience I've never been turned down but I have noticed some complacency on the part of the male who requires me to ask. I don't want to hang out with a man who isn't ready and willing to make an effort, and asking is the easy part, if he can't do that then I wonder if he is willing to do anything at all.

That is an extremely good point.


I don't want to be the asshole but sometimes I think I am in junior high school. Some of the questions asked here... I have got to realize that generations that came after mine... did not asked those questions to the opposite sex when the opportunity was there or that they never had that opportunity. Take me back to the 20th century!!!! I am too old for Romper Room and I am not at War with the opposite sex either to question their stance or what they do to be themselves... I will accept them as they are, I will play the game, no questions asked.


I ask men out. The ones who have a problem with it self select out of my life. It's a handy mechanism .

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