Interesting article. Is the GOP purely engaging in predatory practices or are some of these topics good ones that will haunt the freshmen, regardless of how they vote?
I just reading that but I think that they’re giving the GOP too much credit. When even before the new Congress started Pelosi was telling AOC to stay in her lane.
But I understand that she’s acquired sainthood now so. ????????
@Gooniesnvrdie Exactly we can’t keep repeating the mistakes and expect to achieve anything from doing so.
Yeah, I think Pelosi's trying to take credit for the 'blue wave' without acknowledging that it wasn't necessarily a victory for establishment Dems. Many of these freshmen were ushered in on the hopes that they would address some of the issues that have broadly been neglected, much as was the driving force behind Sanders' popularity and part of what drew some Democrats to get behind Trump. The longer it takes Pelosi to address that, the further fragment she can expect the party to become.