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LINK Bakker: Trump’s Skin Tone Caused By ‘Holy Spirit Flowing Through Him’ - The Business Standard News

5 out of 5 dermatologists do NOT agree.....

"Former televangelist Jim Bakker has come up with a far-out reason for President Donald Trump’s orange skin tone.

Last week, the White House press office claimed the president’s skin tone was due to “good genes.”

Bakker had a similar line of thinking.

“Trump has been blessed by God, his skin color is merely the holy spirit flowing through him,” said Bakker on his YouTube show.

As crazy as Bakker’s view is, it’s pretty common among Evangelical Christians."

SkotlandSkye 8 Feb 16

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Baker also thought that Tammy Fay did a good job with her makeup.




Well something is flowing through.........


That is both funny and sad at the same time.


with them backing trumper do you place any trust in their opinion?


Might Milania make him up for the day? He is not doing a tremendous job on his own.

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