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LINK Coulter fires back at Trump: 'Only national emergency is that our president is an idiot' | TheHill

This President has brought me to the point whereby Miss Coulter & I agree for the first time. He is bringing the country together as soon we will be a one party system. He is destroying the Republican Party as we will see on November 03, 2020. Good job Christian Coalition/T Party/Trump Party.

Mooolah 8 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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If he has his way, there will not be a November 03, 2020 just another national emergency, the postponement of elections indefinitely, martial law and the announcement of President for life Emperor Trump

I predicted this some time ago.

@GuyKeith He has all the classic signs of a dictator in waiting

@LenHazell53 If he gets away with this Wall thing, he will be able to get away with anything. He even stated as much. Now that I think about it, it was Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 11/9 who brought it up.


yes I am embarrased to say I agree with her

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