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Blocking is a curious phenomenon in social media, isn't it. You can block anyone, for any reason, at any time. The person your blocking will not be notified and you will remain anonymous to anyone who has blocked you. You will only find out indirectly, if you notice at all. There won't even be a notice that says "so and so has blocked you. Well, twitter does, but they're kind of the exception.

I'd be curious to know the number of people who have blocked me. I can be rather opinionated, outspoken and inflammatory. I'm sure I've crossed too far over the line of a few people's personal boundaries and paid the ultimate penalty as a result. I have only blocked one person on this site.

I think it would be an interesting experiment if on my profile, it showed
profile name has been blocked by X number of people
profile name has blocked X number of people

What if you looked at the profile of a member and it said profile name has blocked 150 people and profile name has been blocked by 300 people
Would you still interact with them? Comment on their posts or reply to their comments?

ScienceBiker 8 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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The block on this site still needs tweaking. I consistently ( as of 3/5/18 ) see content of members I have blocked. I see:

That their profile still exists (i.e. say they liked a post or comment that I also liked). If I then click on their picture or name, it says they are not active or gone completely. But, clearly, they are not.

Main posts they have authored (in the category field). So, if I click on General/Hellos - I can read DudeI'veBlocked's question or post. But, if I click on it to read comments, it disappears.

Anyway, I get your curiosity about how often you've been blocked. I can't imagine any forum would ever consider allowing that.

I'm confused about your belief that probably people have blocked you. I've never seen anything you've written that comes even close to being blockworthy.

If I saw that IAnnoyPeopleForFun was blocked by 267 of our members, that would put me on alert. But, I would never block somebody unless their actions annoyed or angered ME to the point of my wanting to not be in their company.


I think that would be awful because you’d have NO backstory to it—

Do their beliefs not mesh with others in spheres like politics, religion, identify, or health rights? Are they just an inflammatory dick? Do they just get passionate?

I’ve rebutted some pretty common stances because they get based in emotional arguments. That does not lead to friend making often. Emotional arguments do not think long term, nor do they measure, it’s in essence mob rule of social media. Sure, there’s some occasions where I’m apt to grab a pitchfork but it still is tied to arguments grounded in logic that I also feel emotional about— (corporal punishment of certain types of sex offenders.)

Thing is, in emotional arguments people can get vicious and do ad hominin attacks, once they revolve to abusive language I block. I didn’t do anything to deserve being mocked as a human.

Isn't using your superior intelligence, knowledge or logic to refute another's arguments always a form of mocking?

@FrayedBear hush with your think-speech, you— before they liquidate you...

They might feel that way, but that’s because they use weak emotion instead of practical, sturdy logic.

@ScientistV ???


Depends on where I'm at and where they're at. Just 'blocked' somebody in real life today because they're detrimental to me emotionally and I'm not in the right place to deal with them either. Otherwise I wouldn't care if some people blocked me on this site. As long as those who I believe have a clue don't block me I'm fine. If THEY started blocking me then I would need to take a hard look in the mirror. Also probably wouldn't care if there were 'blocked stats' . That video was really cool.

@Akfishlady Sounds like you did 'block' her. I had been trying to develop a friendship with someone who I probably should have been more cautious with. But when you're lonely and needy seeing clearly and listening to others' warnings can be hard. Explained I need some space to feel angry and frustrated (not just at her but me too) and it's going to be quite awhile, if ever, that we discuss anything with emotional depth. Might help her with bodybuilding stuff but it'll be some time before I feel comfortable doing that too.


I’ve got one idiot blocked on here. It’s pretty nice 🙂


I'd dearly love to block and mute some real life people when I'm out and about. Especially those road rage imbeciles who shout abuse.


That is an intriguing set of thoughts...

For me, blocking is about trolls, 9 outta 10 times... No, much closer to 100‰...


I think when you block here - you no longer see the other person's posts.

@ScienceBiker Ah! That's why when I look at certain notifications they are marked as "removed". (I mean some get removed for content but usually not in a row).

I've only blocked one person so far - and they kind of had to work at it.

Actually anyone I've ever blocked had to work hard at it.

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