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Lotto Tickets

Why do you still buy lottery tickets knowing the odds are a couple of billion to one?

Eirteacher 7 Feb 26

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I was picked out of the crowd at Dirks field at a baseball game one night to pitch from the pitchers mound to home plate. Really hard if you aren’t in practice. I got three tries. The first went wild and the crowd booed me. The second two went right into the strike zone. And I got a good round of applause. I won some baseball cards and a ball cap. I thought it was cool.


For fun. I have won so many things in my life simply for entering. I don't ski but I won season ski passes in 1985, Jazz playoff tickets (12 tickets for 10,000 entries), vacations, and of course, a LOT of shit. Still fun to know I beat the odds.

Goat Level 5 Feb 26, 2018
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