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LINK 'Operation Divide the Left': Analysis Shows 2020 Online Disinformation Campaign Already Well Underway

Democrats- please don't fall into obvious conservative traps. Read this article.

UrsiMajor 8 Feb 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I do not know how to fix America's bullshit-o-meter. It is broke. They never check it. They just believe any batshit crazy rant they come across on the internet. Twitter is the worst. I do not do twitter. I did not even do facebook until 2016. It was on facebook I saw the advert for, so that was a good thing. I go on facebook maybe once a week to check in with family stuff. I do not have a TV and so search my news from several sources.
I do appreciate those who take one for the team and monitor fox news, even if I could I would not be able to stomach it 😉.


I have learned to validate any message before taking it seriously. There is so many lies out there that we really must careful. This going to be a difficult election with all this mis information being out there.


Pay attention. Our freedom is a stake. Putin is not a playmate. He will kill anyone including members of our government. He has threatened & has the short hair of YOU KNOW WHO!

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