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Trump accuses Spike Lee of 'racist hit' against him in Oscars acceptance speech

I loved Spike Lee's acceptance speech!

"In his acceptance speech, Lee referred to his family's history in the U.S., which he said could be traced to the first slaves being brought over from Africa.

"Before the world tonight, I give praise to our ancestors who have built this country into what it is today along with the genocide of its native people," Lee said. "We all connect with our ancestors. We will have love and wisdom regained, we will regain our humanity. It will be a powerful moment."

"He added that the 2020 presidential election was just 'around the corner.'"

"Let’s all mobilize," he continued. "Let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let’s do the right thing! You know I had to get that in there."

"Lee did not mention Trump by name in his address."


LiterateHiker 9 Feb 25

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Even the narcicistc president knows he doesnt belong there and has no idea what he's doing. He is th er re for his ego to be stroked.


Thank you for posting this.


Trump makes a fool of himself several times daily.


Good comment I normally do not support lee because of his way out accusations.


GOP SOP; Accuse others of what you're doing.


Of course the whiny little bitch took trump’s narcissistic mind, everything is about him.


Trump is batting ZERO. He has not gotten one single thing right, not one.


Trump thinks the presidency is a tv show. And that he is the judge, and emcee!

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