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After a terrible no fault car accident on the way to work i became disabled and impoverished. Trying to raise a child alone with out family and being on a very low fixed income makes it impossible to get out of the situation. The way people ( doctors, insurance staff, rental managers, towns people, assistance programs, and more) treat someone impoverished is humiliating and leaves little if any room for hope. I live with constant fears of all sorts. It never goes away. It is no way to live.


You don't think that Poverty was Created by Poor People... I hope.

In High school we studied Feudalism. I asked the teacher how people got to be serfs. The answer was something about economic necessity. The image that sticks in my mind is: a master of cerimonies saying, " Raise your hand if you want to be a King; How about a Baron?" and so on. When he got to serf every hand went up.


Last time I heard of Auburn Basketball... was when they had the "Round Mound of Rebound" in uniform.... That Long!!!!


Part of the problem is that you are trapped in a system. There is no such thing as freedom anymore. All the land is owned by someone, all the nature is exploited by people.


I believe in science and technology. Today, mostly, low skilled people are poor. In my opinion real soon all people will become low skilled comparing to our self replicating machines. Are we going to be equally rich or poor?

zesty Level 7 July 8, 2019
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