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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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I'm mostly closeted due to the extremely Christian setting I live in, but recently I've started to gradually come out to various people. For example, when I'm meeting someone new now, and if they happen to ask about my "faith", I'll just tell them I'm an atheist. It hasn't had negative results yet. However with that being said, there are still a lot of people close to me that think I'm disinterested at most.

let them think what ever, it is their problem.

Seems like you found an approach that works for you, and are adjusting gradually. Good for you ????????

Please excuse the question marks. I literally just noticed them.


I'm openly atheist, but at the same time, I don't mention it unless asked. People are always terrified of me after finding out. I have to show them I'm a good person for a while, just so they know atheists are good people. Downside is people go out of their way to try to convert me.

Ember Level 4 Sep 25, 2017

Just goes to show how much their ignorance causes their fear. "I have to show them that I'm a good person for a while." It's almost as if you've committed a crime, and have to do community service as part of your punishment. Best wishes fending off the overzealous ones.

I have been talking with a woman while waiting on line at a grocery store. She said that was Christian and I told her that I do not believe in any gods.
She looked at me and said-- oh, and you are such a nice friendly person--


I was born in Greece, and of course have been brainwashed at early age. Remember in second grade asking the teacher WHO MADE GOD? She gave me a dirty look ,and told me to believe without questions. So I have done. I had doubts about god stayed away from churches. I was 28 years of age, and someone told me that was feeling sorry for the christians. I asked why? and he said, Because god is not there and does not hear hear their prayers. Later went to school, and I have learned, about mind control, brainwash -same thing- Wisdom does come with age. It is not possible to me, in any way ALL that I have hear from the priest, my mother, the teacher. Nothing but miss information. It is very clear to me because the profits are very large in religion business. I can see what has happened. Some people will kill for few $dollars, and others do not mind saying lies about the good god that loves us all,for one reason only the mighty dollar. All in my family are brainwashed, I feel sorry for them, and it is hard for them to understand me. They are in deep hypnotic state of mind like so many.

tonia Level 5 Sep 25, 2017

Interesting. Seems we've had a few similar experiences growing up, but possibly different as adults


Loud and proud. I get nasty looks from people when I walk around with my I DON"T BELIEVE IN GOD! T-shirt. I get stopped from time to time and asked, why do you advertise my Atheism, it's obnoxious. You got to love how hypocritical they are, and it's a little sad they can't see it. I had one person ask me why I wear an Atheist shirt at the same time she wore a shirt that said "Believe" in cursive at an angle across her chest. I had to point out the hypocrisy.

Cool, and I agree the delusion is sad.

the believers, are very sure without any prove. So sad smart people religion turns them to be stupid.
No facts, no logic no prove
Their strong believe ,it is worthless to me

I can not wear something like that, I think it is dangerous, someone might kill me. As happened not long ago in a university in Pakistan.
It is not right to be afraid with a t shirt like that, on the other hand , they are too many sick people around.
bravo to you, I admire you.

@tonia I can say that I respect you for being smart and not risking your life. You are far too valuable to risk having some idiot come along and kill you for wearing a t-shirt. You have my respect.

My kids got me a Born Again Pagan Tee shirt, done in Gothic script years ago. I made a point to wear it to the grocery store on Sundays around 1PM. As near as I can tell none of these peeps can read. Yesterday I wore my Rosie Muscle " Not My President " hoodie to Wall Mart. I got some startled looks but zero shit from anybody. I have a " Nasty Woman" tee that I will wear to the march on the 24th. The first time I wore any of these items out, I thought there was a possibility I could be attacked. I guess if I have the balls to buy these things and wear them, that people realize I'm prepared to back it up.


Open and proud - as Paul1967 is!

Draco Level 6 Sep 26, 2017

open as it seems so obvious that I donot feel like hemming and hawing.


I am open about my beliefs. I believe in the scientific method and evidence based reasoning. Being confrontational with believers is not my style, unless I am being confronted or someone tries to dictate how things should go based on their religious dogma.


I'm very open about it.
I usually tell people that I am a naturalist, that I don't believe anything arises except through means of natural properties and causes.

I like that. I'm going to refer to myself that way for now on. Naturalist says more than does atheist.

I have that refer to themselves as naturalists. I fall into that category, but I'm also agnostic

meant " I have friends...


For the most part open. Those that I told are my friends, mom, dad and my stepmom and stepbrother. My mom told my grandmother and I have no clue who she told so its just safe to assume I'm out to my moms whole side of the family. I told those I felt I needed to be honest with and when I wasn't open it scared me. I had three panic attacks before I was able to tell my mom.

Wow, three panic attacks! Glad you overcame it.




Open agnostic since I was 16, everyone knows about my beliefs.

Andza Level 1 Sep 29, 2017

Wonderful! Welcome to ????????

Please excuse the question marks. I didn't intend them.


Open but I don't wear a badge shoving it in peoples face. I'm afforded the same respect.

I agree, give respect to get respect ????????

Sorry, I don't know why so many question marks keep popping up after my reply. It is not my doing.


I was an agnostic for a while until I actually sat down and read the was after that I became a die-hard atheist.

Would you call it an empiphany? "Until I actually sat down and read the Bible"....

@Philosopearl I've read the damn thing for research purposes. Long before Rashomon there was The Bible. A bunch of people telling contradictory versions of events which occurred decades before it was written. Reading it didn't shift me from being agnostic; it just gave me deeper bemusement at the thought that The Bible is a literal truth. Have believers even read it?


I'm open about my Atheism but I don't make it a point to actively tell people around me unless the subject comes up just to keep working relationships easier and I'm very tactful about what I say. Mostly because I work for a local county government and I have to be careful about what I say and how I say it.

Understood! Would you agree, tact is very important in maintaining professional relationships in general?

To a certain extent yes, but I find that tact often gets in the way of communicating important information or expressed emotion.


I'm open about being an atheist with everyone except for my extended family. I don't feel the need to hide who I am with people, family being that exception due to them being so judgemental.

Good points. Crazily enough, the believers in my family think I'm the judgmental one.


I don't usually tell people about my religious/political beliefs unless they ask. My family knows I don't believe in God(s) but they just think I'm 'confused,' so I tend not to talk about it at all. But if someone really wants to know they're more than welcome to ask.

Something how believers seem to think non-believer are the confused/delusional ones.


Living in the bible belt where it's hard to throw a rock without hitting a church, I'm still in the closet to about 80% of the folks around here. My parents weren't religious and didn't go to church except for funerals and the odd wedding. My maternal grandparents, however, were Fire Baptized Holiness and church services my Granny took me to as a child scared the crap out of me. Kids around me were being scared into belief. I was lucky and got scared skeptical. Most people I knew were fairly smart and logical on everyday things but when it came to religion and their god, those same people were dumb as a sack of rocks it seemed. Logic was out the window. I learned that if you ask too many questions in church, you don't have to go to church anymore.

I bet you have lots of interesting stories you could share. When time permits, if you feel inclined, please educate me/us on some of the "scared into belief" stories. You can share it as a post, as part of this thread, or my inbox. Just a request ????????


I don't broadcast it but I would say 99% of the people that know me know I am Atheist/Agnostic.


I'm an open lesbian and an open agnostic. I consider them both the same kind of thing.


I am highly critical of superstition and how it affects public life. So I am naturally critical of religious people since they usually use these religious beliefs to affect other people’s lives. If people handle their religion with the same level of privacy they have for their underwear (e.g you don’t talk about your underwear nor do you vote with it, nor do you impose it on your children). If religion was truly a private matter, I’d be what you call a closeted agnostic/atheist. But I am very often forced to deal with loud public insanity. Being “open” is what you should do. If earth flatteners were outspoken about their beliefs and everywhere, you’d have no choice but to address them and be “open” about believing the earth a sphere.


Hmmm, I hate to say it, open in most of my life but since my bosses are heavily religious I just don't talk about it at all. I would not lie, so I guess I'm not in the closet, but I give no clue because I like my job and would like to keep it!



Afra Level 2 Sep 30, 2017

I live in the bible belt. moved here from Mass. I am an open and vocal atheist. I make it clear when I give to charities. I am clear with all my friends, my friends family's, employers. Everyone, and if they don't like it well to bad.

I have colleagues from the Bible Belt. Kudos to you for the confidence, and bravery 🙂

Yeah I live in Texas and I get a perverse thrill at the look on someones face when they ask for "God's" blessing on me when I am giving charity and I tell "Keep your god's blessing for yourself. You need it more than I do."


I am a witch... healer... who believes we are ignorant of physical processes and have religion to thank for it. I believe we create our own realities. I am openly who I am and have been for over 50 years

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