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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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I'm open about it with friends and family but I keep it out of work for the same reason I don't talk about my Politics and my Sex Life. Although if I'm confronted with a direct question from a coworker, I tell them I'm "not religious".

I agree, and personally believe it should be discussed at work. However, if asked I will tell also. Welcome to 🙂


I'm open with everyone, all the time. It got exhausting to hide, and when I grew up and had my own life going, I didn't really have a reason to. I've lost friends and my relationship with certain family members has suffered somewhat, but I reached the point where I was willing to take that risk in order to be my authentic self. That sounds really douchey (I can't believe I just said "authentic self" but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Having the character and courage to be your "authentic self" is commendable! Welcome to


I’m starting to be more open, but I still am closeted with most people in my life. It’s very frustrating that I worry how my beliefs are going to affect them and/or our relationship when I am the same person they have always known. There are days when I get on FB and see all kind of religious posts and just feel like I’m going to lose it and put up a post that lets EVERYONE know and let the chips fall where they fall. I feel like a volcano ready to erupt.

It can be difficult! I empathize, and have had the same feelings about posting in FB! Do it when you’re ready ????????

I am open but do not tend to constantly throw my views on my FB nearly as often as my Christian friends do. I get bombarded so much with it my head spins. But I do not bitch about it to them. If it is something repetitive forwarded from a particular page I just block that page. I do this with other things too not just religion. But I do not seem to get the same in return. The few times I have posted my agnostic or humanist views I get nasty comments or friends wanting to 'save' me or those little sad or angry faces. I actually got ripped a new one because I was saving various agnostic memes on my Pinterest. I was not thinking my friends were reading through my Pinterest posts.. But some left comments about how disappointed they were. One fellow pto parent got livid that I could save memes that were so horrible and that I was someone that needed help. For years before she knew this about me she thought I was a most kind and excepting friendly person. I never made her feel uncomfortable like others in the community had. Most in our community are Christian but her church was more strict. Girls all were not allowed to cut hair or wear pants. But they went to public school. These girls get picked on a lot. I never did pick on them and I treated them as anyone else.


I'm not really an atheist more of an agnostic and yeah I am pretty much open. I don't advertise, but if I am asked I tell them. I work with kids at a residential treatment center in the school and I try to represent a good role model and show the children that you can be a good trustworthy person and not be religious.


Ive been an open agnostic for years. I like the members that i represent to know as much about me and my beliefs so that they can be open to ask questions and learn where my stance comes from.


Never had a reason to be a closet atheist. If anybody had a problem with it they could shove it.


That's the right attitude!


Somewhere in between. I try to avoid discussions of religion, and don't really talk about being an atheist, since I live in KY which is a highly religious area, but if anyone were to investigate my facebook page, it is pretty obvious, as I follow a lot of atheist pages.


Open but I am not one of those who needs to remind everyone about it. I am willing to respect your beliefs and expect the same in return, if you can't then that's their problem not mine.


I don't really talk about it much, since I live in Tennessee. I've masted the art of talking about Christianity with believers without ever mentioning myself, but if they ever do ask, I do tell them I'm an atheist. Usually they never ask though, because of the speech I deploy as a matter of convenience.

Derek Level 2 Oct 2, 2017

Would it be dangerous and/or equal to career suicide to not hide it where you live?


Open 95 % of the time


I've been open about it since I studied philosophy in undergrad, even though I was the oldest son raised in an Orthodox Jewish family and community. It was difficult at first but a couple of my siblings and my mom later joined me and it has now been about twenty-five years. Over the past few years, I have become more actively involved in helping others that have left fundamentalist religious environments.

joez Level 2 Oct 3, 2017

I own a business in the Bible Belt. sigh. Closet it is for me.


Open, but not obnoxious like a vegan. I even have it listed on my ERB (for those in the military). No ones ever challenged me on it, even when I don't bow my head at ceremonies.


Open. I wore my Antitheist t-shirt to work one day. Didn't go over too well. LOL
I was asked not to wear it again.

I’m guessing you’re also outspoken. (?)

Pretty much. I certainly don't pretend to be religious.

love it, I have a sterling silver "A" pendant (the atheist A) I wear every day, no one has ever asked me about it LOL


Open but I don't wear the shirt. I don't care what others are I wish others didn't care what I am.


Closeted agnostic. I do not want to lose love or respect of those that I love and respect. This subject is too complex to bring openly to those I love; it would hurt them so terribly and I don't want to lose them, their love or respect and I don't want to argue over endless elements.

Your approach is difficult different than mine, but I understand.


Open agnostic (borderline atheist) per se, but I never pronounce it to those around me out of the same respect that I don't like theists throwing doing it. If you ask me, I'll tell you. I won't bring it up unprovoked as it seems just as annoying as some theist doing their pompous routine.

You won't find a Coexist or Rocket fish sticker on my car because: (1) it looks stupid, and (2) I love my car and don't want some salty theist keying it.


Belief has divided the world and pits one belief against another. Like my page on facebook: []

I agree (“Belief has divided...&rdquo😉, but do you have a direct answer to the question at hand.


I see no reason to hide. If we all had the courage to come out and call things like they are perhaps one day all religion would fade away and society could concentrate on important things like climate change.

its frustrating living in a world where people think god is real. I agree with you, if people lived with reality instead of thinking all things that happen because its "gods will" or whatever.. the world would be a better place.


Open with most people. Closeted when it comes to immediate family. They are very religious and I worry about the concern it would cause them to know.


I am openly atheist but I don't wear it like a badge. I feel that I should not be afraid of any of my beliefs being exposed, I don't wear it like a badge because that would be arrogant and inconsiderate of others feelings and beliefs.


A little bit of both. I'm open with my family and close friends. Most of my old church friends have no idea. If it comes up I'll tell them. Otherwise I don't push the issue. Of course, I was the same when I was religious.

That’s great! Nothing worse than those who impose 🙂


Open, because I don't give a fuck what people think. I express it even if it's not welcomed.

Nothing wrong with being open. How do you express your openness

By saying "f god", or laughing at something. Basically being rude about it if they try and push their religion on me. Or if religion is brought up in a nice conversation then I simply say "Oh, i'm not religious", etc.


I am very open about my way of non believing. I don't flaunt it around at work or try to start a debate with anyone unless someone brings up religion, then I will let them know.

This is my same approach 🙂

me too 🙂


I would like to think I'm open-minded. I'm already for the most part set in my view points, but I have no problem changing when I'm either wrong, been challenged in which the evidence is overwhelming and convincing.

So your answer to the question is?

Open about it. When anyone ask me I just tell them but I also don't have a sign on me saying, "I'm an atheist"...though a neon-sign saying that would be interesting..

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