If I ask a question here and no one answers, I'm bummed. I'll ask serious stuff as well as silly stuff and I want answers to both. Is Love purely glandular (the result of chemical excretion activating a programmed need to procreate and better increase the odds of individual and/or species survival)? Would you rather be a Dog or a Cat?
I want answers to both of these questions. What you say tells me about you.
I think only a true narcissist asks truly rhetorical questions.
Cat. Clean my rectum with my tongue but at least I don't eat cat doo.
yes, and as per @BenPike, I don't eat doo.
Are you Mark Hamill?
I'm not being rhetorical your picture just genuinely makes me think of Luke Skywalker
are you really my father?
@BenPike bitch I might be lmao