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LINK Is it time to stop hating the rat? - BBC News

YES! Stop hating on the Ratatoes! They are amazing companions!

"Pets4Homes points out that contrary to their reputation rats are clean animals and spend more time grooming themselves than cats.

Rachel Heaton is the publicity officer for Yorkshire Rats Club and an owner of 15 rats.

She told the BBC that: "Rats are so affectionate and so in tune with their owners' emotions.""

(((Photos of my Rattie Roommate added for attention)))

SkotlandSkye 8 Feb 27

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I am melting !!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Love dem rodents !


Rats in nature pee as they run about. Hepatitis is no joke.
Deadly on a farm


My first pet was a rat. We went to the pet store for a hamster or something--No rats!!! per my mother--and came home with an "Australian bush mouse." 😉

Snowball used to ride on my shoulder, nestle into my hair, and ride around in my bra (plenty of room there) or my sleeve. She loved to snuggle and squeeze herself up right against me.

Way better that my brother's dumb gerbils.


i've always thought rats get a bad rap.


I have always loved rats. They seem like interesting animals.


Lol. So he is "team Jacob" and he eats better then me.

I can’t believe that you recognized a Twilight movie from that pic!!!! Lol

@SkotlandSkye what can I say. I watch to much t.v. But most important apparently Taylor Lautner is like a shorter twin to me.

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