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LINK Man Arrested For Placing His Sack In The Salsa | The Smoking Gun

His anger from a low tip in January results in him dipping his testicles in a customer's salsa that he was delivering to her... He also had a friend record it and then post on YouTube.

Fired and arrested... ??‍♂️

DGJ0114 7 Feb 27

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Who drives 30 minutes to deliver food? Also how did he get his balls in there knowing he'd only get an $.89 tip? The guy is a dumbass. Especially when he made the video, and posted on social media. Hope it was hot sauce, and his crotch burned like hell.


The guy and his partner in crime deserve to be punished, but an 89 cent tip should get the customer on the "do not take orders from" list, if such a thing exists.

JimG Level 8 Feb 27, 2019
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