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Where does religion come from?
Go back a longtime before writing and there was/were one or many smart guys/gals who told other members of their tribe "do this or that for me (work) or I will order the lightning and thunder from above will kill you". They believed and that became religion and nobility or royalty.
There you have it.

seafarersd 5 Feb 27

Enjoy being online again!

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If one is to believe the Sumerian texts, written 2000 years before the Bible, humans were genetically engineered by the Sumerian aliens, who combined their DNA with that of human apes to make people suitable to work in their gold mines. Then they taught the humans to call them "gods" and make blood sacrifices, since that's what they drink.

After the Sumerians left, they said they left human "gods" in charge of cities who had higher percentages of Sumerian DNA. Secret government whistle blowers say that those people's descendants are the current "elite" who still rule the world, run all the oligarchies, making the masses work for them by their rules, while hoarding advanced technology for themselves.

The documentary, "Unacknowleged" (Netflix, YouTube) also alleges this, showing videos of presidents, world leaders, NSA agents, etc. admitting this stuff.

Link: The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts []?


Personally, this is my favorite explanation:


This is a great article from on 10 reasons why humans created religion:



it was a means of controlling with fear


Errr 2018 is the year in the almanac. What do you receive for "guessing" right? What is the punishment for "guessing" wrong? There you have it! It does not matter on 2018!!!! But Welcome to our little site and may you find happiness, fun, friendship and more among equals. Just be yourself.


It maybe a bit simplistic but people need to understand it and a lot of people have no real education. So this must suffice.......🙂)

Hi there, I am battling the lack of education here for a long time. Am European and find this lack boring.
So I have become a recluse and my best friend is my PC. When I was in the Travel Industry my life was rich and enriched by other continents, countries and people.


Religion is the FIRST tool of government. It was the first thing used to enforce rule in primitive human society. After gods were invented to answer 'Why', we were able to use these established authority figures to get people to obey.


My take is that it is, as Christopher Hitchens put it, "the first and worst attempt of humans to try and understand the world." It's a reminder of primitive times and we should move past it.

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