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What is your favorite holiday?

Madeline1992 5 Nov 7

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I enjoy them all. Any excuse for a holiday works for me.


The only on I now have is Darwin Day 12 February. Because of my location, I peddle my bike to observe and enjoy his evolution talk.


None. I don't have a family, so there's really no any celebration.


My birthday! I expect no fanfare from others, but I own the hell out of it. I'm also a fan of Armistice Day, and wish it were still acknowledged.




I see most holidays like "just another day". I don't need a holiday to make an excuse to see my family and friends, or to eat good food. I build those things into my daily life. But if I had to choose one, it would be Christmas.

Christmas has never been a religious holiday in my family, but we buy all the best ingredients and I make a special meal for my parents, and usually a couple close friends. I also enjoy the family traditions we've had since I was a child. I trim the tree, while Mom and Dad drink hot buttered rums, listening to Charlie Brown's Christmas. Opening gifts on Christmas morning, and having homemade breakfast roles and coffee. And then going to see a movie on Christmas day.

I do like all holidays, however, for one simple reason. I get paid double time on holidays.


It's a toss up between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know they are religious holidays but I don't celebrate them that way. Thanksgiving because it brings families together. The same with Christmas but I also celebrate it because it's the Winter solstice (which the Christian/Catholic church absconded with).


Thanksgiving. Over the years it was a time when the family got together and shared good foot and connectedness.




Whichever day gets me an extra day off from slaving away. I save holy days for the delusional. If I had to pick one, I'd go with Thanksgiving. Currently, it gives me two days off and spreads out football games.


I would say that the Winter Solstice is my favorite, which is Xmas. It is actually a celebration that the days will be getting longer and I am all for longer and warmer days. Growing up, it was all about family, sharing gifts, and delicious food. After the death of my parents, my sister and I have had to reinvent the holiday. Much of what I knew has changed. I don't bother decorating anymore and I do not have celebrations at my house, as I once was doing. If I were not single and my partner wanted to entertain for the holidays, I certainly would do it. We meet with friends and enjoy the time together.


I love New Year's Day (Jan 1st as opposed to my Jewish Rosh Hashanah one) and usually don't have to work it (as I usually have to do for its Eve). It's a day in which I quietly celebrate my spiritual self with meditation, a hike or other nature outing, massage, a special lunch and dinner, and music that moves me.


I love, love, love Thanksgiving. It's a wonderful feast, time with friends & family, a secular holiday, and a 4-day weekend.

Funny, but I was never a lover of Thanksgiving. While Christmas derived from the celebration of the Solstice, Thanksgiving is an invented, non historical, holiday where we are supposed to thank god and the government is supporting a religious agenda. Now, I do enjoy getting together with friends and family and it is not as if I do not have a good time with them. The other thing is that I dot like turkey and many of the side dishes.


Christmas, not because of the religious element but I didn't grow up in the USA so no thanks-giving as an alternative. Also everyone LOVES the presents! And more than that if the whole family is around and the snow sets in, sometimes you can have some wonderful and truly memorable family afternoons playing a board game or going for a walk in the snow. For me Xmas is really about family. So that's why I love it.

Least favorite is Halloween. I just don't get all the ghouls, monsters and stuff. Didn't like it when I was a Xtian, so certainly don't like it now note believing in spirits and stuff. It's just gotten too gross for me now, but as kids it was a lot of fun trick or treating and then feeling sick afterwards due to the excess candy intake!


Mine is Halloween. Always has been. Least favorite is xmas following up with easter. Another one I like is new years eve if you consider that a holiday.

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