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Bored in Louisville...

doglvr1882 5 Mar 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It is a beautiful city but boring with boring people. Get out while you can


I lived in Louisville a long time ago. I worked a Courier Journal and met Mohammed Ali there. Beautiful city. I will always have a warm place in my heart for that city. If I could find something to do in Kansas, there has to be something to do there.


Louisville, huh?..always something going on there, though. I lived there for about six months in 1976 and ran all over the city attending everything that was happening outdoors, for free.
Later on, after I moved west, then returned to Morehead, KY, we always attended the Kentucky State Fairs and went to the zoo in Lousiville.

I plan to move to Lexington, KY, after I leave Thailand, to live near my daughter, rejoin my birding groups, resume dallroom dancing, etc.

@doglvr1882 I did all of that alone, even though I was married at the time, as my ex and I worked different shifts. Even after kids, I took them with me and went wherever I wanted to go. But if you are afraid, maybe you can find a friend to go with you, if you offer to pay. But if you are trying to meet someone, having a friend beside you might intimidate men who want to chat you up.

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