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625 seems like a very low estimate! 60 thousand is more like it!

zesty Level 7 Mar 17, 2019

And they worry about the Russians? They should be hanging these bastards as fast as they can ferret them out. The worst type of character is the one who will take advantage of those who are younger, weaker, and less able to protect themselves . . . . to hell with these bastards, they should be treated with no mercy, exactly as they treated these children.

THHA Level 7 Mar 17, 2019

No, hanging/execution is far too good, quick and merciful for mongrel bastards like those, instead drag the scum through city and town shackled to the back of a car then give the victims, families/ friends and relatives a length of 4" x 2" hardwood and let them beat the shit out them BUT NO hits in killing areas/zones allowed.
Then imprison the mongrels for LIFE, their NATURAL Term of Life, in a cell 10' x 10' x10' with only 1 small opening for light, feed them stale bread and water twice per day only, NO chance of parole and NO exercise whatever.

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