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What is the most uplifting thing happening in the world right now? What is the most tragic thing?

Crimson67 8 Mar 2

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Israel /Palestine most tragic (for me, being English and responsible) Most uplifting is the school children in the U.S demonstrating for their lives, and so much wisdom shown by them- (I won't even mention the T word )


The most uplifting is the kids from Parkland Florida and the most tragic is the resumption of the cold war.


I only know the most tragic.


The most uplifting? I heard the UK have a fusion reactor. I hope it's true.


The Trump administration is the most tragic thing. The most uplifting in my opinion is the rise of young people to resist hatred, bigotry, and destructive policies.


Most tragic thing? Slavery is still affecting millions. Most uplifting? Bernie Sanders is going to run for President.

Marz Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

Somewhere the sun is rising and people are learning to better themselves . Somewhere else the sun is setting and people are stuck in a terrible place


the human being is dying out
but we are taking a lot of other animals with us.


The Mueller investigation for most uplifting..Drumpf in the W.H as most tragic.


The most uplifting thing, to me, is the teens making their voices heard on gun issues. The most tragic is our country doing nothing to solve the gun issues, and actually mocking the teens who were in the school and survived.


The tragedy for us in this country is that the electorate in the backwoods, less-educated states managed to upset the popular vote and install a wannabe dicktator in the office of POTUS (you know those less-educated, more religious - his 'favorite' suckers/err, people) And the sublimely most-uplifting thing is that Everyday, Mueller gets closer to removing this awful-orange carcass from our highest public office. It is going maddeningly slow, but the evidence is mounting, and the arrests/indictments and obvious charge-dropping (for deals-made!) bring the greatest hope for the near future of this country, we can finally be rid of that FAT STUPID FUCKER, and All of his shitty, sellout corp-cocksuckers, too - just hoping, they're all toxic to our democracy..


right now....the fla. students speaking up and their classmates who can't speak for themselves.


Tragic: probably that the arctic temperature was, on average, above freezing during this last winter.

Uplifting: I like the empowerment a simple thing like the new Black Panther movie is giving to kids.


Uplifting all life,
tragic human society

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