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They just don't realize they have already (mentally) gone over the edge....


More of Yahweh's destructive and reprehensible work.


Good. Then they can see how ridiculously, stupidly wrong they were and shut the fuck up about it. Also, when they realize they are on a large island that allows them egress to any direction other than South from there, what then? They'll just blame it on some conspiracy concocted by NASA or some shit... I hope they freeze. But not before they admit they were fucking dumbfoundingly wrong and provide their own proofs (that even the most hardcore idiot couldn't refute) so the rest of them can shut the fuck up too.

@Closeted Well, to be fair... no one ever has without the help of CPR or doctors... and since neither of those existed back then...


That's not the edge, it is the entrance to the hollow earth.

@mzbehavin More profitable to warn Smaug.

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