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What is your favorite thing to do when you have time off?

GuitarDoctor 7 Mar 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm physically active but really into social media and activism, TV and movies of all kinds, and a variety of music. I've been this way most of my life and recently watched the new Captain Marvel" on my own big screen at home.


Walk, preferably with someone (though generally not), or my phone.. And if it begins to lead ‘up hill’ - I hike 😉

Varn Level 8 Mar 22, 2019

Depends on the weather. I garden, play with the dogs outside , take drives by the lake shore. Hang out at community places where they serve free lunch and listen to everybody's stories and opinions. I visit thrift stores. I am retired and slightly handicapped, so strenuous activities don't come up too often.

I bet you have some interesting stories to share! What kinds of stories interest you most?


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