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LINK San Diego mayor proposes new law to ban living in vehicles

Hmmm ... maybe they need to build a wall.

IAJO163 8 Mar 26

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When I lived in Los Angeles, there were several people trying to make it as actors who lived out of their cars. I've heard in silicon valley some people who have jobs have to live otu of their cars because they can't afford housing costs. Basically people living out of their cars are doing their best to make it and play as much by the rules as they can. To suddenly change the rules and pull the rug out from under them would ruin all chances of their gettign back onto their feet well enough to afford housing again.

This is just an attack on poor people.

How about requiring tht employers pay a living wage? Then anyone who has a full time job could afford housing.


You can't be homeless in a car. You must be homeless on the sidewalk like a sane person?


Sounds like a thinly-disguised attack on the homeless (propertyless). If Jesus came to town on a donkey, they'd probably ban donkey-riding too!

Why don't they put Porta pottys out there?

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