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So far, what's your evaluation of 2018? Is it a good one to you?

Humanlove 7 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Yah I have my little girl and watching her learn about the world and see something for the first time brings me so much joy I can't wait to show her all the wonderful things I have come across


Good. I work in a field that really interests me; though it's not very renumerative. My working bounderies apply to the quality of my imagination (if I have one) and not to time. My metre has become "Pan Metron Ariston" hopefully alowing me to see more clearly the flower arangement of life and now in this time, 2018, to compose a forceful mirror to it.


I have been under tremendous depression since July of 2017. I knew if HRC got the nomination she would blow a slam dunk election. She is the worst candidate in US history. Some say the second worst but she lost to the other guy. Americans are spineless idiots. We are fucking doomed.

MarqG Level 5 Mar 3, 2018

I got nothing, seasons come and go at my age, one year seems much the same as any other.

Oh oh


It's picked up where 2017 left off unfortunately but hope springs eternal as usual 🙂


It's just another year, just another moment, just another waste of opportunity to destroy the elitest cretins determined to destroy gaia


I moved to a different city and changed my job for my girlfriend who dumped me. No family, no friends, got suspended from work last week, internet also been down for a week, can't get a single date (like always)

Yep... things going pretty good...

BTW I change the username if I were you... using your phone number publicly like that seems like a terrible idea...

Liviu Level 4 Mar 3, 2018

That explains why you're still in bed.

It's an old number.

@The_Antichrist haha funny... never thought about it but I guess you're right. Like a subconcious thing that shows about me but I never even thought about it.

@WizardBill all of us in romania and uk do. 07xxxxxx...

Sure but I don't know anyone who tried calling it.

@WizardBill In Australia all mobile numbers start with 0.

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