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What will cause the apocalypse?

IMO, humanity is in peril. If life as we know it is eliminated or nearly eliminated, which of the following do you think would be the cause?

Climate change

Nuclear war


Civil breakdown and uprising

Religious strife


rogueflyer 8 Mar 27

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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Six of one half a dozen of another if it's the apocalypse really who gives a s***


I think Nuclear war caused by the results of climate change; disease, lack of food and water, the resulting unrest and civil breakdown which will drive more to extremist ideologies like Nationalism and religious/cultural divisions.

Quarm Level 6 Mar 27, 2019

G all the above F being an asteroid or some other cosmic event.


i think climate change will be the ultimate cause because it will cause rise in disease, [which can already be see], it will cause civil breakdown/uprising because of shortage of natural resources [not just oil, but food and clean water] and then people will begin wars over food/water


At this rate, a combination of all the above could plausibly end civilization as we know it.

Ending human life is far less likely, but trust me, there are worse things.


I will go with climate change coupled with overpopulation because of the ripple effect it will create. There will be famine, disease, and war due to a shortage of resources.


Animal uprising.


Uhhh, I shouldn't have used the word "apocalypse". This definition is copied from "any universal or widespread destruction or disaster:" That's what I was referring to. It also defines the religious definition which wasn't my intention.


Imo none of the above, and literal Armageddon is as old as Ragnarok. We've been through prolly a couple near-extinctions already, and the world keeps turning I guess

Yes, the world will keep turning but maybe without us or at least without most of us unless we wise up IMO.

They is no such word as "prolly". Using that expression is only cute when a child does it.


Humankind have already survived four of the five events on your list, some of them multiple times.

My money is on either total global financial collapse, or more likely, something that takes out the electrical grid, such as an EMP of natural or human origin, or a cyber attack. Most people are blissfully unaware of how fragile our electrical grid actually is, or just how much we rely on technology to live in the digital age.

The future holds smaller grids (micro and mini) for resilience and renewables with storage for generation.

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