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Time travel. Reading a response to the question about knowing when you would die brought this question to my mind. If you could travel to any time and place in history, when would it be and would you try to change history? How?

DotLewis 7 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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There's loads but a ringside seat for the end of the world would be good providing I'm not involved in it. I also go back in time to the first person that took a bite out of a sprout and said 'mmmm yummy' and smack him/her very hard!

I have considered (recentl) that I'd like to "peek" at the EOTW just to see what causes it. Strictly sideline stuff! Although it isn't the first time I have had this thought, recent political events have brought it to the forefront. As to sprouts, I would not stand in your way. 😀

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