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Searching for content in groups

I often search for specific mentions of certain content throughout the entire site. (fake example: searching for all mentions of cats). It will allow me to search the larger categories (like "family" or health" ) but I don't know how to search posts in specific groups. Is there a way to do this?

PalacinkyPDX 8 Apr 2

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Yes I found it - just a sec while I go get a screenshot of it....

Go to the main group page - and you'll find it.

If you're already on the group page - just click on the page title at the top to bring your to the Group's main page.

The Search bar is just down below the group's description on the right.

I marked the screenshot.

@mzbehavin You're welcome!

@SeaGreenEyez "Watchers" the other is "Trolls and Scammers" it's run by GuyKeith you can find it by searching on his member name.

@SeaGreenEyez Here: []

There is a search bar or a magnifying glass icon on the page to click - you can search by a member name to find the groups they own.

@SeaGreenEyez You're welcome.

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