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I never heard of...

Does anyone ever heard of a marriage where the man is the religious one and the woman is an atheist?
Because I didn’t.

EllieUnique 7 Apr 2

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I know a couple personally where the woman is atheist and the man still believes.


I don't personally but I'm sure they exist. I'd expect them to be relatively rare, though, because women in my experience are more reluctant than men on average to identify as atheists, to themselves or to others. It is too harmful socially. My wife is absolutely one of those from-the-cradle atheists but doesn't think of herself in those terms. In part because she sees it as divisive, in part because she's had so little contact with and awareness of religion that she's had little utility for the label.


not sure. i once had an online friend i visited in person and she seemed normal but her husband was one of those moon landing hoax conspiracy fellows. i am not sure if he was religious. she didn't seem to be but i don't think she was an atheist either, just not religious. i don't hang out much with religious folks soi don't know couples where either party is religious, except for one born-again friend of my guy's whose husband i assume is also evangelical or she wouldn't have married him. i think he's a bad influence on her; she's getting worse.



Once I knew a couple where the man converted (from Buddhist) to the Christian religion of his coworkers, but the wife remained atheist.

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