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Debunking David Lane's 88 Precepts

Yesterday I came across deceased white supremacist David Lane's "88 Precepts" and "14 Points", which he and his followers believe revealed the "fundamental laws" for preserving the "white nation" (rather, the "Aryan Nation" ) from the attacks of their oppressors, "that powerful and ruthless tribe which has controlled the affairs of the world for untold centuries" (no bonus points for guessing this is code for Jewish people).

I had planned to write a long, long post debunking these "precepts" point by point, but I started feeling ill at the thought of it, so instead I decided on a general debunking of this "laughable if it weren't so tragically wrong and if so many idiots didn't take it seriously" diatribe, without going into a diatribe of my own.

  1. FACTUAL ERRORS: David Lane Can't Do Math

This screed is full of ridiculous "statistics" which are pulled out of nowhere but David Lane's ass, such as "92% of the world's population is non-white" and "Only 2% of the world's population is young white females". Given the population of the United States alone, there would have to be about 20 trillion people living on the planet to make this even close to accurate.

  1. SCIENTIFIC ERRORS: David Lane Doesn't Know Biology

Lane continually makes references to different "species" of humans, either not knowing or not caring that different species can't interbreed. As usual, religion (in this case a pseudo-religion) drives science out.
Lane claims to be revealing a "natural law" of some kind in which predators are against their prey and vice-versa, then applying this analogy to human ethnic groups. However, since he doesn't understand biology, Lane's analogy falls down, since ethnic groups aren't competing species of animals.
Lane tries to declare (like most religious moralists) that sex is for procreation only, and that homosexuality is against nature. But most species, especially primates, engage in sex for pleasure alone- one might say offspring are the side effect of sex. And almost every species engages in homosexual sex, for pleasure, for dominance rituals, or for any number of reasons. (If you can't be with the one you love...)

  1. HISTORICAL ERRORS: David Lane Doesn't Understand History

Par for the course, Lane doesn't know squat about the actual Aryan people; Indo-Iranians who lived in the region of India and had absolutely nothing to do with Germany. Nor were they remotely blond or blue-eyed.
Lane claims that the incursions of invaders from Asia and Africa into Europe were aggressions against the "white race", thus making the excesses centuries later of European colonizers and slave-traders a justified retaliation. (The near-genocide against Native Americans was a payback for Genghis Khan's invasions, since the Indians were genetically Mongols.)
He also makes the following hilarious statement: "The fact is, all races have benefited immeasurably from the creative genius of the Aryan People." (Especially the Jews...)

  1. PHILOSOPHICAL ERRORS: David Lane is Unintentionally Ironic

Lane's "Precept 11" reads: "Truth requires little explanation. Therefore, beware verbose doctrines." Notice that there are 88 of these verbose and contradictory doctrines.
Lane doesn't want freedom for everybody; only for those he deems fit. Therefore, he follows thoughts like "Propaganda is a legitimate and necessary weapon in any struggle" with "Tyrannies teach what to think; freemen learn how to think." He professes to love freedom, yet several of the "precepts" disdain democracy.
Lane also obviously doesn't see the irony in the following: "It is not constructive to hate those of other races... but... One must hate with perfect hatred all those People or practices which destroy one's People."

In the final analysis, these "Precepts" are nothing more than one man's irrational hate put on paper. There's no logic to be found in them because hatred is not logical.

Why does it matter? Because the alt-Right is alive and well, and this is the kind of thought they circulate among themselves. We need to know the enemy in order to fight them.

Paul4747 8 Apr 10

Enjoy being online again!

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“from the attacks of their oppressors”

Yeah, white folks are super oppressed.

This is the standard line of white supremacists starting with Hitler, who claimed Germany was so oppressed that she had to attack her neighboring nations in self-defense.


Wow, I'm sorry you had to spend seconds of your life discounting this racist, bigoted idiot.

I always boil down everything into two camps.

Which is it primarily a force for?




This message is fear, plain and simple.


"Lane continually makes references to different "species" of humans, either not knowing or not caring that different species can't interbreed. "

I am not agreeing with Lane, however he may have meant "subspecies" rather than "different species". I think it is likely correct to refer to different races of humans as "subspecies" inasmuch as there are five different subspecies of caribou with less anatomical differences than that which exist in humans. Consider the differences between Inuit and Yupik and pygmies (Bambenga, Bambuti and Batwa) of Central Africa.

He actually makes analogies using lions, wolves, and sheep compared to different "species" of humans; so, no, I think he really truly believed humans have different genomes and origins. He and his followers had/have no understanding of science whatsoever.

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