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LINK Republicans Can't Explain Why They Keep Blocking Mueller Report

According to them, it completely exonerates Trump... but you cant' see it.

snytiger6 9 Apr 13

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They don't need to, we know it's damaging to Trump and others. They're only hiding the details, which will come out.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 13, 2019

It's not "Republicans" it's Trump and his DoJ - at least so far.

Even if we're not happy with the version we get, I think we'll get to see the whole thing the next time a Democratic president is elected.

That said, if the Report (or his taxes) were what he says they are, it's difficult to imagine why he's dragging his feet on anything. Indeed, Trump seems like the sort to release those things just to rub them in his opponents' faces.

House passed a resolution to make the report public, Senate repubs keep blocking it from a vote. It's not just Trump or the DOJ.

Fair enough, but that's just a resolution. It carries no weight of law, and wouldn't obviate the need to redact the report anyway.

We'll get to see it eventually. It may even be better if it comes out after Trump leaves office, if he doesn't have an ally in the presidency at the time.


The Rethuglicans are protecting his lily white racist ass. He is a TRAITOR and they defend him. He doesn't give a shit about the USA, except in his Nazi image.

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