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LINK Lara Trump says Angela Merkel's decision to welcome refugees led to 'the downfall of Germany'

I think it's absolutely amazing that the Trump's even marry stupid. There's no hope in that gene-pool. None.

SeaGreenEyez 9 Apr 26

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I see. And did the Germans pester her for her opinion? Has she lived there? What in hell does SHE know?


It was rather Putin's decision to bring down the strongest economy in Europe.

zesty Level 7 Apr 27, 2019

Stupidity runs in the genes of the Trump family!


I must have missed that. When did Germany fall down? I thought it was doing rather well.


It's a no brainer. Influx of fiscal and human resources. This will boost the German economy and population.
Trumps are morons.


She obviously does not know that Germany is doing very well. Education is free, everybody only has to work one job to make ends meet and still have money for a holiday, health care is free, etc, etc.


What a privileged douche bag thinks she actually matters

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 26, 2019

Another inbred fucktard Drump heard from..who cares what she has to say, and how is it considered news?..

(WOW! You're at the NINTH LEVEL?" I am so impressed by your verbosity! wink, wink)..

@LucyLoohoo and I'm impressed with the length of your reply!!...💓💓💓💓😂😂💃💃

@Charlene I don't know what happened just kept scrolling and scrolling, taunting me with white, empty space. Alas, I had a brain fart and couldn't think of a thing to say, other than KUDOS on reaching the elevated level of THE NINE!

@LucyLoohoo there are so few of us..alas I fear for our species..and thank you from a lofty, though empty of humanity, pinnacle!😁😂💓

@Charlene We shall work for your preservation, Dear. I'll always stand up for endangered species! (Don't your fingers get tired?)

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