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What do you all think of the match percentages on here?

What do you all think of the match percentages? I've noticed I get along quite nicely with those 80% and above. Went hunting and found a couple of 99% matches. Haven't talked to or interacted with any to my knowledge. Wonder if it would be like arguing with myself. 🙂

OpposingOpposum 9 Mar 7

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I'm always wondering what it is about the 99% ers when they don't have "pets" in their likes. 😮 So I've no clue. Bios mean more to me.


Good point. I have no idea. Most everyone is so far away I doubt if Iwill ever find out.


I haven't really paid much attetnion to it. I am more lookign to just make friends. I amopen to more, but just findign a few good friends woudl be good enough.


Ummm ... I dunno, I’m just here for conversation ????

Mostly what I'm here for too
. I just noticed that most of the people I interact with a lot on here are 80% and above. I wondered if that were others experience as well.


not much. I am frequenly matched with people that might be my grandchildren

LOL /in the feels


It just means that our answers to a set of questions match. The fewer the questions, the higher the match since as I recall most of them were non religious based


I'm pretty sure I only have a 50/50 relationship with myself, so anything over that is pure hubris!



I still don't quite understand how it works. But nothing takes the place of actually talking to people.


I don't think that much about it. You are only 64%

Lol. That's why we only get along 64% of the time.

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