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Who are your people?

People often feel kinship with certain groups. Obviously, I feel kinship with my peeps on Agnostic-- the non-religious minority 🙂 But, I also feel kinship with fellow writers and creatives. I'm sure there are others like dog lovers and those who like to cook! Oh yeah, and I love me some gamers and readers. There are probably others in groups that I can spark an instant connection with.

Besides family, who are your people?

silvereyes 8 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Career restaurant and bar employees of a certain level of professionalism share a very real bond. As far as the arts go, you know that feeling you get when you encounter another person who shares a specific passion or fandom that isn't popular or mainstream? I live for those encounters. Given the opportunity, can easily spend hours talking about any number of subjects, but finding someone else who shares the same passion for and knowledge of my nerdiest topics is rare and quite exhilarating. If you can segue in conversation between theory/appreciation/history of music , science, military, government, comedy, film, literature and philosophy, you are my people.


I feel akin with non religious peeps also with people who have old world history people who have a knowledge of real world history.


Nataive Americans by spirit, they are 6? of the world's population and run 80percent of the real natural resources. I Live in South America part time,working on full time.


The oddballs and the outcast


In no particular order, here are groups I feel kinship with - readers; writers; people who love and appreciate the arts; artists; musicians; movie afficiandos; music afficiandos; cooks; driving enthusiasts; role players; board gamers; people with a black sense of humour; people with a sharp sense of humour; people who self deprecate.

That's a reasonable start.

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