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This really did happen. I called my cable provider for tech support and somehow I ended up being preached to by the person I was on the phone with. I am not kidding.

During the conversation she told me the following:

*Muslims are trying to take over the world

*The mentally ill are not actual ill they just need to find Jesus

*Scientists are wrong

*She did say she has issues with gays but didn't elaborate. I can tell she was trying to hold back. I think it is because it is no longer popular to rip on the LGBT.

*She told me MANY times she has a relationship with Jesus

*She told me to have a relationship with Jesus.

One of the main issues I had with her was the fact she thinks that the mentally ill need Jesus. My thoughts are if there is a Christian god then It made things to help us and one thing is psychologists. If there is a god I am sure It's influence is subtle and is not going to make a big production number as It helps folks. The sad thing is many people think that faith is a cure all. Do you see how that thinking hurts people? People use that thought with the LGBT too. You know "pray the gay away"?

She has the right to have a faith but I think her ideas are harmful to herself and other people. I also have the right to get tech support without the person on the phone not trying to save my immortal soul.

By the way I reported her.

Digerati 5 Nov 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you did a good job with her. I probably would have gone off on her. Something to the effect of “your religious path is yours and my path is mine, what is right for you is not right for me, and you don’t get to shove your views down my throat.”

CS60 Level 7 Nov 11, 2017

Glad you reported her. I too would have done so. She was not being paid to proselytize, but to help customers. That is also why I object to persons who deny service to gays. They get paid to do a job, not to practice religion.


About three years ago I had quadruple bypass, and one of the vampires (phlebotomist) was taking my blood. He starting ranting about how gays were ruining America and how he just can't understand why anyone would want to have sex with someone of the same sex. I interrupted him and told him that my daughter was gay and that it was inappropriate to be complaining to a patient about his prejudices. He quickly finished and left. When I saw the charge nurse I complained and told her that I never want to see that person in my room again.

I have to admit I hope he got fired.


Sounds like you did the right thing reporting her, but why didn't you just hang up and ring again even if you have to ask for another techie? Nobody should have to put up with that on the other end of the phone.

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