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Base on my experienced. To me, Islam is a black magic life. Its created by jin. Hello jin, I know your trick. I'm not stupid to believed you. I know that you know everything about universe. That's why you can teach your believer for created Quran. Now we are in different world. Your believer and you cannot black magic me anymore. I'm not stupid to pray 5 times to just a black stone. Nothing different with Buddha and Hindu ritual. Now I'm in a real life & happiness. Islam say everyday there is a test, test, and test. Hahaha. This all bullshit. Test from the jin?

imalive 4 Nov 11

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Djinns are inside Tornados Have you notice they seem to have an intelligence?
Once a Tornado pick up a cow and delivered 50 miles away completely unharmed....

THOTH Level 4 Nov 12, 2017

Who is experiencing the prayers and who is wearing the ritualistic clothes?
Religion is black magic, an occult art.
It is better to use prayer to find out who you are...not praise some glorified ego.
Words carry concepts we imagine, does not mean they are real.
In my view, we are defined by words or the body. Everything is silent.

argo Level 4 Nov 12, 2017

Try writing with precision and clarity. What you have written is gibberish to me.


Islam has proven to be one of the most successful of controlling religions, using both the carrot and the stick. The carrot is the promise of a life in paradise whatever that is in the mind of the faithful or convert, and the stick, the threat of death and or extorsionate taxation for those who refuse to convert or who have the temerity to "see the light" and leave the belief behind. Coming from an Islamic background, I think that you, Imalive, are a most couragous girl and have to be thoroughly commended.

Last time I was a free hair, I started wear hijab at 25 years old. I wear niqab when i 30 years old. Now I'm 34 years old. I was very religious. Mariam or marry as my role model. But in real life I really suffered, sick & my life end. One day i will take off this niqab and hijab. But not in Malaysia for my safety. In Others countries.

Even I was free hair, I kept pray 5 times, read Quran translate and proud because I can take care of my virginity.

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