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QUESTION The terrifying phenomenon that is pushing species towards extinction | Environment | The Guardian

In a research paper published in January in Science Advances, Kock and colleagues contrasted the 2015 MME with the two from the 1980s. They concluded that a rise in temperature to 37C and an increase in humidity above 80% in the previous few days had stimulated the bacteria to pass into the bloodstream where it caused haemorrhagic septicaemia, or blood poisoning.

The weather link raises the specter of climate change. Just as it is rarely wise to link a single extreme weather event – whether it’s the Australian heatwave, last summer’s Hurricane Harvey or this winter’s North American cold snap – to climate change, it is equally difficult to blame an MME on global warming. But what can be said with confidence is that the sorts of extreme weather events linked to MMEs – such as the temperature and humidity rise that nearly wiped out the Saiga – will become more frequent.

zblaze 7 Mar 8

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The truth of this is so obvious. It is mind boggling how religious nuts, and our stupid congress and off-the-wall ignorant President does nothing to try to stem this tide. What about those that vote these numbskulls in? We have a dumbed down, dumb, dumb country. Is there any hope for us?


Interesting and scary study.


More evidence of how the ecosystem is delicately balanced. I'd expect humanity is in more danger than it realizes mostly due to arrogance.

SamL Level 7 Mar 8, 2018

I once made a comment during an environmental film series that 'Climate Change' was not a problem!

Climate Change is a symptom of many, many anthropogenic issues. A short time ago 15,000+ scientists issued a dire warning for the planet which has gone unheded. To me the real immorality in all this is not the probable extinction of our species but the extinction of other species. We are in the sixth great extinction and our eventual loss may mean the survival of other species.



Absolutely this is happening . However in the big picture, we are certain some type of life will survive and evolve again. The humans are just so damned stupid , I mean the USA elected a minimally intelligent orange haired racoon hat.
But in the world of science, extinction is an ever on going process and very natural. Unfortunately this present extinction belongs to our ass greed, We need to allow abortion in early term, we need to provide, free , contraception, we need to think before farting.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 8, 2018
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