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What is a leader and do they exist in government

Modern day leaders don't behave as they should. A true leader would represent the combined interests of their people and work to serve them by making their country the best it can be. Unfortunately we do not have many strong leaders anymore. They are "party representatives" not leaders. Leaders would never expect their citizens to do something they would not however as we have seen with the west, politicians such as George Bush and Tony Blair have no problem with sending their young men and women to a foreign country to destroy terrorists all in the name of peace. This has created multiple problems for both western and Arabic nations.

Do our politicians really serve their purpose or do they just bide their time so that they may attain their pension which is at least double that of the regular citizens. Does this really matter?

Lancer 7 Nov 11

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I see elements of Darwin's work as evidence in many things. One of them is translated in the answer of the same 'Ol same question; Why rulers are not behaving they way they 'should'! Mental corruption is a natural state of mind. It is once a person's weak faith(in own self, ideology, promises,,) is put to the test or to the seduction. You will probably never see a ruler ruling in favor of the majority or 'righteousness' (For long). That ruler will either change his/her own views or got rid of by others. Don't expect homosapiens who were not able to speak and 'reason a bit' till a late persiode of their historical existence to act 'righteous' or 'fair'. I guess you only need to show your support to those who are not tempted by money, power, violence or any other matter that can cause society any harm (later). Live a little!


Politics has become a game and it is all about strategy to become a player on the world stage.
Todays Politicians live in a bubble and mingle with the movers and shakers in society to garner support by granting favors. Image and optics are a priority. Politicians are removed from the everyday struggles of ordinary taxpayers.

My grandfather once told me, the biggest mistake taxpayer made was allowing all levels of government to take the taxes directly from our paychecks. We traded convenience for loss of control.

Betty Level 8 Nov 12, 2017

I agree. My grandfather was mayor of a town in wales. He had a story he used to share with me when I was a kid.

He told me that when he was in charge, they would hold monthly meetings with representatives of the council. There were about 5 extreme socialists, 10 moderates and 10 members of the workers unions and everyone had 1 vote each on matters that affected the town. The last Wednesday of every month everyone was told to gather at the town center. On average my grandfather, the 5 extreme socialists and about 2-3 others would turn up. My grandfather realized this would result in problems further down the track. So one night he made a proposal for people to vote on. Change the day to the last Friday of every month and change the venue to the local rugby club. The socialists didn't think much of this at the time except for "This just means we won't have to drive to town every Wednesday and we all end up in the rugby club anyway". So everyone voted in favor of this.

After the first meeting the socialists immediately regretted this decision. Everyone from the moderates and the unions would show up each friday and the democratic process was no longer under the control of the extreme socialists. My grandfather was a socialist and trade unionist however he recognized that people don't care about the future of the town, they only care about what they can get out of it. Hence why changing the venue and time allowed him to influence the future of the town for the better.

Sounds like your grandfather and mine would have gotten along great.


Most politicians are there for their own benefit unfortunately. This is why there has been a steady decline in the respect for them that especially the younger generation accord them.


Research the topic: There is much excellent literature on leaders and leadership

There are no perfect leaders, but a number of truly great ones in government -- Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Sadat and many more.

Roosevelt doesn't count. War profiteering governments are abhorrent and should be demolished or removed from power.

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