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How many of you like your feet? If you have foot problems then you will know why I as the question. If your feet never bother you then you are vey lucky. I have to be very careful of what shoes I wear, and I have to replace them often. It's from years of walking on concrete.**

Leutrelle 7 Mar 8

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I love my feet, they are lovely. My ankles hurt, my knees hurt, my back hurts, but my feet are still pretty good.


I have neuropathy (nerve pain) in my feet (and also hands) from chemotherapy (from Hodgkins Lymphoma; in remission since August). I have to be careful how I walk and what shoes I wear. Ironicallty, I had foot problems before I got sick: lymphodema and plantar fascitis from being severely overweight/flat-footed/extra wide feet; swelling in my feet and ankles went down after I started losing weight, making it possible for me to wear sandals, boots, and normal shoes again, but now with the pain in my feet I still need to wear extra-comfortable shoes and do special exercises. I can't win!

I hope you catch a break at some point.

Thanks. I manage. The neuropathy should dissipate over time. I'd rather deal with this than cancer anyday!


My feet are problematic!


My feet are always sore. Years of working in boots and standing around, rushing, always on my feet. I make others rich and all I get in return is barely sustenance income and foot and back problems. And people wonder why I’m angry.

Sorry to hear of your many problems.


Have you been checked for diabetes? Your foot problems may stem from poor blood flow to your feet because too much sugar in your blood causes the blood to get thicker and more viscous and not nourish the cells in your feet. Your feet are furthest from your heart and the blood flow has to work against gravity to return to your heart. Are your ankles swollen? Has the hair stopped growing on your legs? Get checked out.


I have flat feet so must be very careful what I wear and what I do with my feet. I like wearing arch support insoles as they enable me to wear whatever shoes I like..and not having to look like a fuddy dud in orthopedic shoes


Other peoples feet are icky I don't even touch my own ewwwww


I have been walking on hard surfaces for 35 years as I am in retail. I have plantar fasciitis and the pain is significant enough that I no longer care that I can't wear pretty shoes.

I spend quite a bit of money replacing my shoes every few months and spent a fortune on my hiking boots to ensure I could walk in them. I also often double up on inserts as in using a flat gel one along with an arch support.

Kinda hurts to spend $50 on beach sandals but a worsening of pain if I don't hurts more

I hear what you are saying. I had that plantar fasciitis too. Very painful. Shoes become function only, and it is expensive to keep your feet happy🙂


My feet are one of my biggest faults.

Weird, i know.

I have psoriasis, so the skin on my feet is leathery at best, reptilian at times. I have a genetic issue with my toenails.
I joke that i have to carry a concealed weapon permit in 38 states to deal with them.

And that i'm actually part velociraptor.

And that my toenails could cut glass.

I feel that all feet are gross. My own probably facilitated that.

For years, i played every show with my band(s) shirtless and shoeless. Now, in my 30s? Nope.

I've been a diabetic for 30+ years, my feet are weird... the risks outweight the comfort value. Throw in psoriatic arthritis, and now i have to budget for insoles any time i buy new shoes. sigh

Do they hurt? I am still trying to warp my head around the toe nails🙂

Well, psoriatic arthritis and dry, cracked skin. Yeah, they hurt a bit 😉 Raptor claws. Total raptor claws.


I have smalll feet is all

Yeah me too. size 9 US

size 6 uk


I have really sexy feet.

Yeah, I'll BET😉

@Leutrelle yep, 6 toes on each one.

@Rugglesby Well we are going have pictures now🙂

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