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"I'm exhausted from the fear of existing while black."

An eloquent, heartbreaking, well-written description of what it's like to be black in America.

Sadly, racism is deeply ingrained in America. This must change.


LiterateHiker 9 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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We suffer from the problems of racism in the UK but.... the stories we hear about what goes on in the US makes us look like a fully integrated society.


It would have been around 1995 when I spent a week working in Macon, Georgia.
It was around that time a black guy was chained to a pick up truck and dragged to his death - and I don't remember the details of who, why, etc.
I remember trying to tune the radio as I drove to Macon from Atlanta and getting one crazy church minister after another - each one extolling gods virtue - so long as you sent a donation - and seeing the churches set back from the road with car parks like a drive in cinema.
And talking with guys at the factory I was working at, in malls, at the hotel - it was exteremely clear - racism was a foundation stone in the culture of the city..,accepted as normal by everyone.
I doubt it will have changed that much in 20 years.

how old are you? 🙂

@thinktwice I'm sure he put the wrong year. Lol.

@Unity, @thinktwice was 1995 will edit

@ShadowAmicus shucks...I was hoping I was in the presence of a very wise old person! ha ha ha

@thinktwice I tried wise, but failed the entrance exam


When I tell people younger and not much younger than me about the segregated bathrooms and water fountains when I was growing up, they are always surprised or shocked.


Won't change with bigot racist in chief in office

bobwjr Level 10 May 11, 2019

I agree


I remember reading Black Like Me as part of my college really should be required reading to be in the shoes of a black person for one day...we have to change has been going on way too long and we see to be going backwards now!


"I didn't know black people were treated so badly in the South!" my daughter said at 15, after I gave her my copy of "Black Like Me" to read.

"What are they teaching you about American history in school?" I asked, appalled.

I agree with you. It should be required reading for all high school students.

@LiterateHiker In the nineties I looked at a Texas High School American history book. There was one not very long paragraph about the Vietnam War. A siminel point in American history. The point where the people's trust in the government went south.

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