It's not that our government is bought and paid for by lobbyists; it's just about how cheaply they're willing to sell their souls!
"The organization’s website is filled with bromides about giving “centrist allies the information they need to craft common sense solutions” that paper over an agenda designed to enrich powerful corporations.
Center Forward’s big idea on Medicare Part D, for instance, is to maintain lobbyist-authored provisions of the law that bar the government from bargaining for lower prices for medicine. Such restrictions cost taxpayers and patients as much as $73 billion a year while boosting the profits of drugmakers. Center Forward endorses the idea with a testimonial from Mary Grealy, a lobbyist for a trade group that represents pharmaceutical companies."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
This is how corporate lobbying works:
Lobbyists ID bills they need to kill to keep profits high (no matter the human cost), come up w/ “sensible” talking points to mask intent + say policy is “misguided,” then schmooze policymakers in secret into accepting said talking points.
Dozens of congressional staffers enjoyed a relaxing spa retreat in Virginia, where they were plied with wine and talking points against Medicare for All []
We need to find out who the Democratic Congress critters are that allowed their staff to attend this bullshit. Then we need to work to replace their asses. This shit will never stop unless "We the people" start paying attention and making them pay by losing their jobs for screwing us over!!!