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Relationships or Friendships?

I am new to using social media, as a form of finding a relationship or making new friends. Though I am not new to social media in general, as I used ICQ (anyone remember this!) back in high school and I was on Facebook when only student with actual college email addresses could join. I have always been around people, from a university campus of 26K students - one third being international students. To living in cities that had populations between 20-30 million (yep, million) people, to living on an island of 7M people. Hong Kong. Now I am back in my hometown area (Trump's America) and I fully realize why I left this place for a dozen years after high school. One thing I have not figured out about this site is; is it for finding friendships via the ethernet that is social media, or is it for finding romantic engagements? Near or far? I would prefer a simblance of nearness....

kueiga 3 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Just an open minded community that has that part to it if that's what you want, but don't have to take advantage of it. It's more of a community way I see it.


It's a general atheist community site with a dating option.

Zster Level 8 Mar 9, 2018

Are you an atheist?

Uday Level 2 Mar 9, 2018


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