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LINK Matt Taibbi on the Trail With Bernie Sanders 2.0 – Rolling Stone

"In 2016, Sanders ran a freewheeling campaign, occupying a Jeremiah-like role, roaming the planet speaking truth to power. Now, Sanders is a genuine contender, even if he’s seldom described that way. With almost no corporate support, he led all Democrats in fundraising in the first quarter. In the first week after a late-February launch, he pulled in an astonishing $10 million, coming from 359,914 donors, 39 percent of which came from addresses that had never donated to him before. By the end of March, he’d raised $18 million, with an average contribution of just $20, down from $27 in 2016. By mid-April he had a million volunteers.

But Sanders no longer has the breeze of low expectations at his back. What was merely a lack of institutional support in 2016 has transformed into active institutional opposition. Among the donor class, his own party’s leadership and in most of the commercial media, he is roundly despised. He is blamed often for Clinton’s 2016 loss, and denounced as a dangerous socialist, a narcissist obstructionist, even the Kremlin’s candidate. (Multiple Washington Post columns have claimed Vladimir Putin is pushing the Sanders campaign in order to help “elect Trump.” ) "

WilliamCharles 8 May 16

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The establishment's new way of crushing liberal and progressive non-corporate leftist opposition is to smear them as Russian communists hell bent on taking America down. They are doing the same thing to American leftists that they have been doing to Latin American leftists for decades. I'd like to say I'm surprised that more people don't see the entire picture of where this is leading and where it's been heading for a while, but I'm not.


I am so sick of corporate and establishment Dems blaming Bernie for Hillary's loss to Trump. It's the same crap as blaming Nader for Gore's loss to Bush in 2000. Those kind of Dems will never admit that their sellout candidates are the problem, not progressive candidates, whether they run as Dems or third party. The Dems would rather keep being Repub lite, with the added quality of playing to minorities and women with identity politics, than run progressive candidates and actually dare to be different than the Repubs on trade and economic policy. They deserve it when they lose because they care more about selling out average Americans to their rich and corporate donors than about winning the While House instead of being loyal to those voters by running a progressive for prez.


I hope the American Press can live with the fact that I plan to make up my own mind aboutSanders and all the others. It is still 2019. I do not plan to vote until the Primaries and I have disconnected from network TV. So, I feel safe that my decision on who to vote for will be as unobstructed and pure to my own taste as i can make it. But please keep posting the articles. I trust you more than any network editor.

Like you I plan to keep well informed as possible November 2020 is a long way away

What a genuinely nice thing to say. I love how we can all share information online, and I find myself quite grateful to those whose credibility I trust.

It is crucial, in my view, to base decisions on the facts. And we should always strive to be faithful to the truth.


I like Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang.


Oh craziness! My fogged up brain just read the headline of your post as Taj Mahal on the trail with Bernie Sanders.
Wishful thinking.
I need to go back to bed. Will read your post tomorrow.

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